Sunday, July 23, 2006

Have to Use the Proper language

Baru-baru ini Himpunan Sarjana Kesusasteraan Indonesia (HISKI) mengimbau agar masyarakat dan pejabat pemerintah khususnya, menggunakan bahasa Indonesia baku dan tidak mencampur-adukan dengan bahasa Inggris. Namun mereka tidak manyangkal bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang penting untuk dunia komunikasi bisnis dan hubungan kepada dunia Internasional. Hanya saja, penggunaannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari atau dalam pekerjaan, sebaiknya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Aku selalu memberi judul dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena singkat, padat dan jelas.

North American English (AMEng) and British English (GBEng).

AMEng and GBEng is two different languages. Sebagian berpendapat, perbedaannya ibarat logat Jakarta (AMEng) dan bahasa Indonesia baku (GBEng). Persepsi yang tidak berdasar dan mitos. AMEng dan GBEng masing-masing mempunyai struktur bahasa baku dan slang masing-masing. Contoh yang bisa diambil, antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Malay. Keduanya rumpun Melayu, tetapi masing-masing memiliki tata bahasa yang berbeda. AMEng dan GBEng mempunyai grammar (tense dan spelling), vocabulary dan pronounciation yang berbeda, dan itu bukan slang sebagaimana pendapat sebagian orang.

For examples:

I haven't, burned, dreamed, learned, spelled
to line up - Please get in line! (AMEng)
I've not, burnt, dreamt, learnt, spelt
to queue up - Please queuing! (GBEng)

color, honor, center, meter, license, apologize (AMEng)
colour, honour, centre, metre, licence, apologise (GBEng)

apartment, drugstore, vest, yard, smart, gasoline (AMEng)
flat, chemist, waistcoat, garden, clever, petrol (GBEng)

remember, renew, flog, neither, schedule, water, etc
remember, renew, flog, neither, schedule, water, etc

Tapi bukan berarti semua vocabulary dalam AMEng dan GBEng punya arti sama.
Contoh: bill (GBEng) - check (AMEng), waistcoat (GBEng) - vest (AMEng), kata bill dalam AMEng bisa berarti tagihan dan kata vest dalam GBEng artinya baju dalam/singlet.

Jadi apabila anda bertemu dengan sesorang yang fasih berbahasa Inggris, coba perhatikan penggunaan tata bahasa dari ketiga perbedaan tersebut. Bila terdapat campur-aduk dalam ketiganya, kemungkinan besar orang itu fasih secara otodidak. Orang yang pure fasih berbahasa Inggris melalui pendidikan formal/informal atau (pernah) mukim di negara yang berbahasa Inggris, pasti atau biasanya tidak mencampur-adukan dan tetap dijalur. Bila menggunakan AMEng, maka grammar, vocabulary dan pronounciation-nya semua menggunakan tata cara AMEng, begitupun sebaliknya. Therefore, American English is not all slang.

Beberapa negara yang berbahasa Inggris selain the UK.
GBEng: Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.

Indonesia...? Campur aduk antara AMEng dan GBEng...!?! Mungkin itu termasuk salah satu dari sekian banyak kekurangan kurikulum pendidikan di negeri ini. Contoh kecil, apabila anda masuk ke dalam sebuah apartment (AMEng), anda pasti akan menemukan tulisan lift dan toilet (GBEng), bukan elevator dan rest room (AMEng). Banyak yang mengira bahwa arti kata "flat" adalah rumah susun/bertingkat yang kecil dan kumuh, salah pengertian yang cukup fatal.

I'm prolly dyslexic and dummy-deaf that can't speak the proper English, German, and even Indonesian, my own mother language. Do I have to buy an Oxford or Symbols dictionary? Die Deutsche sprache ist schwierig.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Effects of Earthquake, Tsunami, and Flood

Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, Indonesia sering dilanda bencana alam. Negeri yang sudah kacau-balau dan tidak terbengkalai semakin porak-poranda. Apakah semua itu adalah teguran dari Sang Pencipta untuk mengingatkan kita semua, bahwa perbuatan kita terhadap alam sudah diluar batas kewajaran atau memang sudah semestinya harus terjadi? Apakah dari kejadian ini ada banyak pihak yang diuntungkan? Beberapa, mungkin. Kita semua tahu bahwa ada beberapa oknum yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan mengambil keuntungan dari musibah yang dialami oleh saudara kita.

Menurut pandangan aku pribadi, ada 3 klasifikasi kelompok yang sangat jelas diatas permukaan atas musibah atau bencana alam yang telah terjadi:

1. Yang rakus semakin rakus.
Golongan yang sangat "unik" ini adalah kaum birokrasi dimana hampir semua sumbangan harus melaluinya. Dalam keadaan darurat, dimana orang sangat-sangat membutuhkan bantuan, kenapa sumbangan yang ada selalu datang terlambat kepada yang membutuhkan? Apakah itu suatu ketidak cekatan dan tanggap dari tangan-tangan birokrasi Negeri kita? Ataukah ada hal lain yang tidak bisa dijelaskan, baik itu secara lisan maupun tulisan? Hanya mereka yang tahu! Dari beberapa kejadian, alasan yang sering terungkap adalah proses pendataan dengan Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP). Dalam keadaan masyarakat panik dan ketakutan, mereka masih saja merumitkan dengan hal-hal yang sebenarnya tidak perlu.

2. Yang malas semakin malas.
Dalam golongan ini terdapat dua kelompok. Kelompok A dan B. Kelompok A adalah orang-orang yang sebelum musibah memang dasarnya sudah malas untuk mencari nafkah. Musibah yang terjadi bisa dibilang sebuah waktu yang tepat untuk mengais sesuap nasi tanpa keringat. Kurang inisiatif untuk bangkit membangun daerah sendiri yang telah rusak. Makanan gratis telah tersedia di depan mata. Kelompok B adalah kaum yang sebenarnya tidak terkena musibah atau berasal dari daerah lain, tetapi mengaku terkena musibah. Julukan in tidak jauh dari penadah sumbangan gratisan.

3. Yang menderita semakin menderita.
Ini adalah golongan manusia Indonesia yang utuh dan sebenarnya. Mayoritas penduduk yang terkena musibah adalah golongan masyarakat yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Hidup sudah dalam kemiskinan makin bertambah parah saja. Belum sempat atau selesai membangun diri, bencana datang menghantam. Alangkah prihatin dan sedihnya hidup mereka. Terlihat jelas bahwa sebenarnya mereka kurang begitu antusias berada di tempat penampungan, meskipun dengan layanan makanan serba gratis. Mereka lebih bahagia tinggal di "istana" nan mungil yang mungkin hanya berdinding daun rumbia dan beralaskan tanah namun nyaman dan beraktivitas di ladang seperti biasanya. Simple people - Real people.

Aku bukanlah manusia bijaksana dan tidak luput dari kesalahan. Ini hanya sebuah tulisan tidak berarti yang tidak akan berdampak dalam hal apapun. Apabila aku salah dalam menilai, itu bukanlah suatu kekhilafan, karena apabila sering berbuat kehikalafan adalah suatu ketidakberesan. I totally know that there is no truth without evidence, but sometimes it is an unconditional guarantee to speak up about something.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Goddamn Life Really Blows

I am a true loser. How could that be? Because I do not even dare to face all the problems come across to me these days. I have no idea yet if I actually cannot fix them all nor do I just want to. I have tried once and it was wasting time. Everyday is a different day, but the problems that I have are still the same, because as I said before, I do not even want to fix them all, not even one by one. Therefore, they come to me day by day, and unfortunately, I keep considering them as an invisible thing, my bad. I have mentioned, “I do not need anyone to take care of me”, but now I think I need someone else to help me. Who is the one that could do it? No one could, I sure hope!

My problems are as complex as my personality. I just do not want to bother and annoy people with my pointless problems. They are unworthy of consideration to anyone. I have prayed to the God to get rid them off me, but it did not work as well. Perhaps the God loves me and keeps sticking up them on me. Oh, Lord, I cannot handle them any longer. What should I do? I should have to fight with myself first, because that the hardest and difficult task and an obstacle in my whole life, I guess. I so do need a new better life. Where and how can I find it? I might be able to find it in some quiet and peaceful place and be as wise as true human values. Now, I am going to disappear for a while. Oh, no, wait, I cannot do that, I have to do some important stuff. What an odd!

I know I do suck, blow, and need to get a life.
What a pathetic person I really am!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Ten Gods of Ancient Greece

The Roman Names - What's your character...?

This idea came up from my flying mind after I finished some puzzle game online on the internet and it made me take a few of conclusions about their characters. Believe it or not, true or false, I so do not care!

Here I go...
1. JUPITER, King of the Gods.
Fatherly, wisely and born leader type.
2. PROSERPINA, King of the Underworld.
Sarcastic, smart and weak type.
3. VULCAN, God of Smithing.
Bad tempered, arrogant and unfriendly type.
4. BACCHUS, God of Wine.
Good eater, lazy and dummy type.
5. DIANA, Goddess of the Moon and Hunting.
Adventurer, challenger and battle lover type.
6. VENUS, Goddess of Love.
Loves beauty, elegant and jealousy type.
7. NEPTUNE, God of the Sea.
Friendly, funny and lovable type.
8. PLUTO, God of the Sun, Dancing, Music and Festivities.
Eccentric, clubber and party goer type.
9. CUPID, God of Love.
Literary, dreamer and thinks that love is important than e'thing.
Nature lover, sweet and prude type.

My own character is... a mixture between the PLUTO, PROSERPINA , DIANA and VULCAN combination. I wish I were JUPITER. Hehehehe...!

~~ Just 4 Fun ~~

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Way To Happiness

I am just very happy today and I don't know what makes me to feel like that. The way to happiness feeling is a gift and it's given from one to another. I think I have a reason to be happy today. I am responsible for how I allow people's crap to affect me. I can stop allowing them to spin me up. Some things just aren't worth it.

For me, if someone is preaching something, it had better from the great book or original mind - true self of the human being, because, if it doesn't line up with it, I am so not going to accept it. So, if someone tells me something is in the book that I haven't read, they have to show it to me and I will definitely read it. Hmmm, however, my mind is a little too obvious, not much to discuss.

"For him who knows his own mind and sees intuitively his own nature, he is a Hero, a Teacher of gods and men, a Buddha". By, Sutra of Hui Neng 1.

Oh, God... I feel so great and thank you very much! Anymore I am really trying to get my body into great shape, again. Hahaha...!

~~ Coffee time ~~

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I Forgot Something Important

Oh, NO. God, NO

Did I forget something more important in my entire life? No, I did not, of course.
What day or date is today? Some friends keep sending me E-cards and it still reminds me of my birthday. Oh, NO (again). It's too late and the Birthday celebration has been done and not very important than wake and get up in the morning, though.

I thank God I am still breathing and that's the most important thing.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Madness: The Smartest and The Dumbest

- The Smartest is the one that doesn't know his ABC

- The Dumbest is the one that does know his ABC

I'd like to meet a debater that doesn't even pretend to be a fake genius and can discuss about something really matter and important. Sometime, when I'm so not in the mood, I don't tolerable stupidity, even though I'm not a smart person anyway. Some true genius person said "Nothing in the entire world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" and I really trust in it. Do we get smart just in time to ask fucking questions that we actually don't even want to know the fucking answers? Negative, we absolutely do fucking not. Some people ask for damn criticism and they only want fucking praise, like I do give a shit.

Argh... I sicken fucking ignorant "smartest" people. Even though they're not intelligent enough to trouble me, but they so pissed me off, really. Their Godforsaken ego couldn't take rejection. They have to fucking pay to touch my mind and feelings. If I want any shit from them, I'll squeeze their head. Grrr... I don't give a crap. Did they flunk the How to Win Friends class? If they did, then they must know that if they make it plain they like people, it's hard for us to resist liking them back. They'd better shut the hell up, eat shit and die-die-die. Sometime silence is golden and more musical than any song, but, is the damn virtue of fucking fools.

I will never again spend or waste my time with people that call themselves smart just because they have a few stoopid opinions that not even right on the beam in any ways. Not anymore, truly! They wouldn't get the honor to fucking do me. I'm high-class whore and I don't mingle with high trash. I might have to be honest to myself and people whom I've trashed. I am a fucking asshole and true bitch ever, thus I cannot be fucking nice. Some friend told me that mean and rude was one of my better qualities and I took it as a compliment. I'm just me and I am who I am. Nuff fucking said..!!!

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
By, Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC)

~~ I still believe in *K*4*R*M*4* ~~
Seems I have lost my mind and ain't articulate no more